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ver is hypnotised
╘╡>●╞╕ yay!


at s_elicity214@hotmail.com
Email Me gbling's flickr! caffeineinsane



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entertain yrself

願望 -giddens











© adamclutterbuck.com


© isayx3




can't get any better (:

have to get my hands on a copy soon...
eslite 誠品 shipping fee is not very affordable ah...if only i were in taiwan..

meanwhile, felt the urge to browse thru giddens site
and as always..it had something stuck to my head.







屬於他的拼圖, 卻是我所看過,最簡單,












let me finish the story..haaha

my home is my casulo
brilliant brilliant brilliant home by Marcel Krings and Sebastian Mühlhäuser
don't blink
(in fact i STARED at them to make sure they didn't cheat by bringing in stuff from elsewhere)

TADA! i want one of this...who wouldn't.. (:

lesson learnt

up and running
just set up a wireless home network ;) share printer share files share media. how exciting. haha
tml is a 9-9 day...gdnite

putting a life into it
alright i m posting from the vista sidebar! kind of :D cool...loving my new (compaq)(again) laptop..so far so gd. the specs are almost only half as gd as the thinkpad tt i ordered but well i saved 800 bucks! the looonngg (relative) delay in delivery of the sch lenovo had made my first wk in sch kind of inconvenient and after talking to several pple i was suayed towards 'get-a-cheap-laptop-since-u'll-prob-use-it-for-just-another-yr" makes sense but i wonder why my sis couldn't manage to persuade me earlier on with the same words...lol..
so far so gd...compaq=budget HP design so i think it's quite a steal ;) it's definitely looking gd (blue leds touch sensor controls sleek cover imprints glossy lcd) and working well (keeping fingers crossed).
but...sigh. one day was spent looking for softwares. vista is..really..a pain..in this aspect. so far...only sketchup managed to get itself running in the machine..the rest..i'll have to get hold of them soon!
ok after 1 wk of workshop..conclusion: new friends. new letctures. new responsibility. new interactions. new attitude. + extreme lethargy. first sign of isolation. nervous presentations. preoccupied mind. two more weeks to go..overall it was sth nice that happened i'll give it a 7/10..lol(despite the perpetual tiredness it caused, even till now)
meanwhile, i don't how it will happen, but i will have to get myself back into the dissert...
get tt crappy thing over with..WHEN -_-
ok enjoy vista. enjoy life. enjoy coffee. byee

walk and walk and walk non-stop for 4+ hrs today...
caught the shutter bug AND the flu bug
真是一波未平一波又起 hahha
hoping i can fast forward time..to..29th will be nice (after D and workshop and all those stuff)
ok reminding myself it's the LAST year gotta enjoy the torture else i'm gonna miss it! ha.ha.ha.
anyway apart fr walking KMs from cityhall to chinatown back to cityhall and sniffing and getting burnt under the HOT sun...collected the first roll of b&w photos...hoohoo


i got a second life today

let's chill at the nus beach...


2 katoons for you
by joe davis

go felicia go
our dear felicia aka scrapping talent is one of the 8 finalists in this awesome contest!
really cool..challenge after challenge :)
go find out more about this "Project Runway" inspired "Project Scrap-away"
a brilliant way for scrapping enthusiasts to show their creativity
here's a brief desciption:
-every week, a challenge will be announced
-with different themes like challenge 5: words, challenge 6: dotty, current challenge 8:black-and-white!
-participants are given five days to complete their masterpiece and submit online
-then judged and 1 will be eliminated per wk
started with 15 shortlisted contestants for challenge 1 and now it's already the 8th round!
i'm sure felicia will go all out and WIN IT!
show u some of the pretty stuff she did and i'm sure u will be impressed enough to go VOTE FOR HER :D

oh i see.
"those groans are an expression of the sufferer's pleasure" - Fëdor Mihajlovic Dostoevskij, Notes from Underground

ok i shall practise my typing..here it goes..

'Ha, ha, ha! After that, you will be looking for pleasure even in toothache!' you will exclaim, laughing.
'Why not? There is pleasure even in toothache,' I shall reply, I once had toothache for a whole month, so I know what I'm talking about. People don't suffer that in silence, of course, they groan; but the groans aren't straightforward and honest, they are spiteful, and the spite is the whole point of them. Those groans are an expression of the sufferer's pleasure; if he didn't enjoy them he would stop groaning. This is a good example, and I will develop it. The groans are an expression, to begin with, of all the pointlessness, which the conscious mind finds so humiliating, of your pain; it's a law of nature, for which, of course, you feel the utmost contempt, but from which you nevertheless suffer, which she doesn't. They express your awareness of the fact that nobody has inflicted the pain on you and yet you feel it, your awareness that in spite of all the Wagenheims you are utterly at the mercy of you teeth; that if something wills it, they will stop aching, and if it doesn't they will go on aching for another three months; and finally, that even if you still object and try to protest, your only satisfaction will be lashing your own back or running your head even more painfully against your stone wall, and that's absolutely all! Well, it is from those bloody wrongs, these practical jokes of an unidentifiable jester, that pleasure finally arises, pleasure that sometimes attains the utmost rapture. I ask you to listen some time to the groaning of a cultured man of the nineteenth century who has been suffering from toothache for two or three days, and whose groans are beginning to be different from those of the first day; that is, he is not groaning simply because his teeth ache, nor like a coarse peasant, but like a man touched by enlightenment and European civilisation, like a man who has 'cut himself off from the soil and his roots among the people', as they say nowadays. His groans have become something vicious and maliciously nasty, and they go on all day and all night. And yet he knows perfectly well that his groans won't do the slightest good, he knows better than anybody else that he is harrowing and irritating himself and everybody else for nothing; he realises that even the audience for which he is performing, even his own family, are sick of listening to him, they don't believe a word of it, and they know in their hearts that he could very well groan in another, simpler fashion, without roulades and flourishes, and is merely indulging himself out of spite and ill humour. Well, the pleasure lies in all this conscious shamefulness. 'I'm disturbing you,' he seems to say, 'I'm lacerating your feelings and preventing everybody in the house from sleeping. Well, don't sleep, then; you ought to be feeling my toothache all the time. I'm not a hero to you any longer, as I used to try to seem, but only a worthless good-for-nothing. All right, then! I'm very glad you've seen through me. You don't like to hear my mean-spirited moans, do you? Dislike them then; now I'll treat you to an even more harrowing performance....' Do you understand yet, gentlemen? Yes, evidently one must be highly developed and deeply conscious of oneself to understand all the devious ins and outs of that voluptuous delight....Are you laughing? I'm very glad. My jokes are in bad taste, of course, gentlemen, uneven, confused, full of self-distrust. But that, you know, comes from having no respect for myself. Can a thinking man have any self-respect whatever?

wanted to quote it..somewhere..but it wouldn't be half as delightful..haha
so, people, indulge in this pleasure, keep groaning.
(it always amuses me; weird people, thinking weird, writing weird.) GOOD
